Friday 12 December 2014

Easy way leaning English Grammar

Why study grammar  
Grammar is a powerful tool to express language correctly. It gives complete sense of language. There is individual grammar for each language. Without grammar no one can completely understand own language. Studying grammar can help you to write more effectively. It will help you to modify your language and it will help your reader to understand what you are saying.
This is an essential and individual grammar because setting up every rule step-by-step and it is very easy to understand and comprehend. Once you read this book it will be proved whatever said and you will be on the half way to write letter / report.
When you read this book, should not jump or escape any section. Try to read carefully each section and guess main purpose of rules. Otherwise you will waste your time and energy. Actually, grammar makes spotless your language errors like soap clean your cloths. Obviously, you understood why need to learn grammar.
If you go to store you will see variety of items that customer buy similarly in grammar stored such rules which writer can utilize to write desirable report. In grammar store you will find such rules as mentioned below:
Letters > Words > Sentences> Paragraphs >Reports > Chapters >Books
It is worth learning grammar because:
·              It helps you to write correctly and therefore to create a good impression.
·              It helps your reader to understand what you are saying and avoids confusion.
·              A good grasp of your own grammar makes it far easier to learn a foreign language.
·              It helps you to understand what other people are trying to say in their letter.

Final tips of grammar: Actually, grammar gives you right direction how to write report effectively. It shows correct way of pronouncing, spelling, speaking, reading and writing.  If you don’t know good grammar you won’t be able to write a good report as well as reading and speaking
At a glance of definition
Reference number
Why should you use reference?
Using reference number to identify and find details someone’s data. Getting practical idea check any bank letter at the top you will see reference number.
Reference could be number or words, e.g.:
Ref: 250 (in number) OR
Ref: Paying exam fee. (in words)

For example
Ref: 2386

Dear sir,
I did not you pay fees for three months because of financial problem. I am willing to pay next Monday.
Your faithfully

Useful phrase:
What is phrase?

Why should use phrase?
If you use phrases you letter will be more attractive. So it is very important to use phrase at the beginning of letter. Here are few useful phrases, which you can use in opening paragraph:
With due and utmost respect…

With my due respect and honour that …

I am writing to complain about…
I was horrified/surprised/shocked to find …
Please be inform you that…
With most respectfully I would like to inform that…
This is to certify that…
Thank you very much for your letter, which I received on

For example

Ref: 2386
Dear Sir

I would like to inform you that I did not you pay fees for three months because of financial problem. I am willing to pay next Monday.
Your faithfully

Strong adjectives:
What is adjective?

Why should you use adjectives?
Adjective is very important to describe the situation because it is emphasize the matter. For details about adjective read adjective in the unit … We included here some strong adjectives, which will help you to strongly describe the situation: Horrified, dissatisfied, furious, surprised, irritated, disappointed, upset, unhappy, shocked, disgusted, disgruntled, angry.

For example

Ref: 2386
Dear Sir

I would like to inform you that I did not you pay fees for three months because of financial problem. I am strongly promise and willing to pay next Monday.
Your faithfully

Why do you show apologise?
Should not write any letter with aggressive manner and bad motion. If you express any unsatisfied, poke and provoking word if could be reflect the negative result rather than good. Try to keep your letter as simple as possible and always be polite, sincere and positive attitude.
On a practical note, it may be easier to say ‘sorry’ in a letter than over the telephone, since you may not wish actually to speak to the person to whom the apology is address. ‘Sorry’ is one of the most prized words in the English language and when people hear this word they are often willing to forgive a great deal of earlier discomfort. If you show apologise your difficult matter could be solved easily.

Ref: 2386
Dear Sir

I would like to inform you that I did not you pay fees for three months because of financial problem. I am strongly promise and willing to pay next Monday. I do apologise for inconvenient circumstance.
Your faithfully

Why do you use politeness?
Everyone likes polite behaviour. Politeness always bears your sound personality. So you should use polite words and standard language.

Ref: 2386
Dear Sir

I would like to inform you that I did not you pay fees for three months because of financial problem. I am strongly promise and willing to pay next Monday.
Your faithfully

Avoid rudeness
What does it mean and why?
Even though you are angry or dissatisfied with the situation should not use rude word and bad tone in your letter. If you do, you will get the negative result, no doubt. So don’t use rude words.

Paragraph section
o        It is very important that when you write report must use paragraphs:
o        Most report has two paragraphs.
o        Most report beginning, middle and end, so they need 3 paragraphs.
o        Some paragraphs consist of just one line.

Ask yourself:
What is a paragraph? Why do you create a new paragraph? When and how to start paragraph, and what is the benefit of it?

What is a paragraph?

Two or more sentences consist a paragraph, which are about the same idea.

Why do you use paragraphs?

Using paragraph to show readers that you are going to write about another idea or subject.

When and how to start new paragraph?

While a new idea or point comes, start a new paragraph. Put one gap between two paragraphs and make indentation mark.
What is the benefit of paragraph?
If you write your topic paragraphing the reader will feel happy to read and easy to understand.

List of adjectives:
Horrified, dissatisfied, furious, surprised, irritated, disappointed, upset, thankful, happy, shocked, disgusted, disgruntled, angry.

Letter structure
This is the formal (official) letter structure. If you write any formal letter you must use this style.

Oval Callout: Keep one line gap  here                                                                                                      Your address

Oval Callout: Write current (today date, if you are writing now)
Receiver’s address


Ref: (Reference number)

Dear Mr. Habib

( letter 2 copy here Ú)

Oval Callout: End of letter write sincerely if know your boss’s name, if don’t know put faithfully
Yours sincerely

Oval Callout: Sign here

Oval Callout: Write your full name


Abdul Malek (Mr)
Remember: That is the formal letter style. Please don’t change this STYLE. Just write letter and set your letter in this structure.
Chapter 2                                                   
Writing practice                                                  
How can I improve my writing?
There are many different ways you can improve your writing but we suggest one way, which can improve your writing. That is called ‘regular practice and write as much as you can.’ If you don’t practice continuously you won’t be able successful wiring. On the other hand, regular practising will help you to reach your target – there is no doubt. I’m the real example; I was not able to write a simple report even though I obtained a degree. Regular practice helped me in this area and I’m still practicing continuously. Practice makes perfect. The more you practise the easier way to learn and you will become a good writer! Try keeping a diary, or get yourself a pen friend. Now is the time to develop your writing skills. Keep to the processes you study in this book.

Before writing letter or report you must:
Know how to write sentences
Make a plan
Write a simple draft
Check drafts
Finalize drafts

·              Write sentences:  As we know, sentences are the basic foundation of report writing. Without sentence it is impossible to write a report. If you want to write a report first of all you know must how to write simple, compound and complex sentences. [See sentence play, unit-  page…]
·              Make a plan: The most important thing is, before writing letter you must make a plan of what you want to write. Don’t start to write directly. Think and write down points, and write drafts. [See make plan, unit-  page…]
·              Write a first draft (See page … )
- Write a simple draft on a subject, and then modify it in 2nd and 3rd draft if necessary.
·              Check the 1st  draft and make changes  (See page … )
-              check that you have kept to the question.
-              add details if necessary, or omit irrelevant information.
-              check your paragraphs. Add linking words if necessary.
-              check if your first and final paragraphs need improving. If necessary, try out different versions on a separate piece of paper.
-              check grammar, spelling and punctuation.

·              Write second draft (See page … )
-              Make sure your writing is clearly set out and easy to understand. Check spelling and punctuation with a teacher or friend.

·              Finalize draft as  necessary (See page … )
-              This is the final stage of your writing. Before sending your reports you must check draft carefully. If everything is ok then print, sign, and send to reader.

Checking your draft (how to check your draft)
Once you have finished your first draft, read it again carefully. Check the following points before you finalize the draft.


Please take a note to pay extra attention, as everyone we know that a car has different parts such as wheels, gear, tyres, an engine, nuts, and bolts. The engine, steering, tyres are the main parts of a car. Similarly, a sentence having different type of parts such as subject, verb, object, phrase, preposition, adverb, adjective, article.  Subject, verb and object are the basic and main part of sentence. Without these you can’t make a complete sentence. So there is a question:

·              Does every sentence have a verb?
·              Are the sentence different lengths?
·              Do the sentences start in different ways?
·              In the conversation, does each new speaker start on a separate line?
·              Did you put capital letter at the beginning of sentence and full stops at the end of sentence
·              Do not write over long sentence. Keep 15 to 20 words each sentence.
·              Are the verbs in the same tense in the whole draft?
·              Are the verbs powerful?
·              Do the verbs agree with the nouns?
·              Do the names of people, place, day’s months and festival and books start with capital letters?
·              Have you changed some noun to pronouns, so they are not repeated too often?
·              Have you made the nouns accurate?
·              Does every adjective add new information about a noun?
·              Can you sometimes use an accurate noun instead of an adjective?
·              Are conjunction used correctly?       
·              Do you use too much conjunction in one sentence?
·              Do you use appropriate preposition
·              Are preposition placed before the noun?
·              Does the first word of every sentence capital letter?
·              Does every sentence end with a full stop, a question mark?
·              Are there commas between the words in a list?
·              Is there a comma between two adjectives?
·              Do you use appropriate articles?


Writing sentences
How to write sentence?
It is most important that sentences are the basic foundation and heart of writing notes, letter, report, essay etc. Without sentence it is impossible to write a report. Before writing report, however, first of all you must know how to write simple, compound and complex sentence.

Most important

It is very important; if you want to be a brilliant student or writer you must learn as many sentences as you can. You believe us and over confident on yourself if you don’t know how to write different type of sentences you won’t be able to write letter or report because sentence is the basic foundation of report. As bricks is the basic unit of building. We may suggest you, as a beginner you must practise regularly. It will make you perfect and we are assured good practice will make you a brilliant writer. Would you be a brilliant writer? Yes. So why not start to write type of sentences. Ready! Take pen and piece of paper and first of all write simple sentence as follows:

In this unit you will learn how to write simple sentence to complex sentences.

What is the first step to write a report?

The first step is ‘learn how to write simple sentences’ because sentences are the basic units of report. If you don’t know how to write simple sentence, you will not be able to write compound and complex sentence respectively report. First of all, as a well-wisher we want to force you to PRACTISE! to PRACTISE!! only PRACTISE!!!

Regular practice will make you perfect and we are assured one day you will be a brilliant writer. Would you be a brilliant writer? Yes. So why not start now to write type of sentences. Ready! Take a pen and piece of paper and first of all write simple sentence as follows:

Mimi ate.                >   (That is a kind of sentence).

Oval Callout: Do you think is it a  complete sentence?


Oval Callout: Does it tell you clear something?


Oval Callout: Does it make complete sense?


Mimi ate’ is not a complete sentence.
Because there is no object. That’s why it does not make clear sense.

Now, we add object:

Mimi ate banana.              >   (That is a kind of sentence).

Oval Callout: Does it tell you clear something?

Oval Callout: Does it make sense?


Mimi ate a banana’ is this a complete sentence?
Because added an object, clearly tells something and its make complete sense. Obviously, it is a completed simple sentence, which consists by using subject + verb + object. So you understand, a complete sentence must have subject + verb + object.

Abbreviation: subject = s         verb = v             Object = o
s + v + o formula
What does  s + v + o formula mean?

s + v + o formula means you write a sentence with a specific word order. At the beginning put the subject, second verb and third object, e.g:
Mimi ate a banana
S       v     o

In the above sentence the first word ‘Mimi’ is subject, the second word ‘ate’ the is verb and the third word ‘banana’ is the object. 

They write memo.
 s       v         o

We play football.
S       v        o

Mimi and Simi drink Pepsi.
       s         v    o

How to make a big sentence?

Two simple sentences make a big sentence by using conjunction – and, or, but, if, because etc.

For example:
Today is Rosa’s birthday. – simple sentence (1)
She arranges a big party. – simple  sentence (2)

Insert ‘and’ to join sentence 1 and 2 together.

Today is Rosa’s birthday and she arranges a big party.
                        Just we add and
Once you use conjunctions; remove the full stop in the first sentence, e.g.
I eat rice. You eat bread.
I eat rice. and you eat bread.

Delete this full stop; put and

After deleting full stop, the sentence looks like below:
I eat rice and you eat bread.

More examples:
They study hard and get a good result.
I will lend you 500 pounds if you return after 10 days.
The cat drinks milk but the dog eats meat.
I am worried about your result although you are studying hard.

In the following sentences, omit the full stop and make long sentences by using conjunctions (although, and, or, but, if, because); the first one is done for you:
1. I eat rice. You eat bread. They drink coffee.
I eat rice and you eat bread but they drink coffee.

2.        Mimi eats banana. Simi eats apple. Rosa eats ice-cream.
3.        He is going to school. She is going to market. Runa is going to the cinema.
4.        My two brothers are living in Dubai I’m living in the UK.
5.        I am doubt of your result you are studying hard.
6.        I will give you my pen. You give me your book.
7.        I can do the sum. You help me.
8.        I can do the sum if you help me.
9.        Rosa did not go to college. She woke up late.
10.     He got GP 5. He studied hard.
11.     Rosa cannot walk. She was one year old.
12.     Rosa cannot walk when she was one year old.

Using Key sentence in Letter writing

Using key sentence with extra text to write letter

I think show the key sentence function in the essay writing section. Another way write letter by using key words.  In this unit you learn key sentence with extra text. Once you use extra text the small letter will be became long.

What is key sentence? (See file, need find)
Writing plan 3 >Example 3
In this column you will get italic words, which use as extra text, e.g. on 15th July 2004 G
In this column you will add extra text end of sentence.

3. Write a letter to the Headmaster for sick leave.
You have to add extra text front and end of key sentence. H
That is the key sentence) F
I was absent in the class.
Use extra text
on 15th July 2004    E (this is called extra text)
add extra text end of the sentence F

I was absent in the class + on 15th July 2007.
Use extra text
because I was seriously ill
add extra text end of sentence F

I was absent in the class on 15th July 2004 + because I was seriously ill.
Use extra text
I went to the hospital.
add extra text end of sentence   F
I was absent in the class on 15th July 2004 because I was seriously ill. I went to the hospital.
Use extra text
The doctor gave me strong injection on my chest.

add extra text end of sentence F

I was absent in the class on 15th July 2004 because I was seriously ill. I went to the hospital. The doctor gave me strong injection on my chest.

Use extra text
Doctor advised me to take rest at least four days more

add extra text end of sentence   F

I was absent in the class on 15th July 2004 because I was seriously ill. I went to the hospital. The doctor gave me strong injection on my chest. Doctor advised me to take rest at least four days more.

Use extra text

I am therefore not able to attend at the class till 19 July. If I feel better then I can attend at the class 20th July.

add extra text end of sentence   F
Once completed using extra text, use phrase, final sentence and paragraph.
I was absent at the class on 15th July 2004 because I was seriously ill. I went to the hospital. The doctor gave me strong injection on my chest. Doctor advised me to take rest at least four days more. I am therefore not able to attend at the class till 19 July. If I feel better then I can attend at the class 20th July.
Use phrase                                                               F Go to the page … and choose a phrase

With due respect and honour that …

Above italic phrase add at the beginning of report   G
With due respect and honour that I was absent in the class on 15th July 2004 because I was seriously ill. I went to the hospital. The doctor gave me strong injection on my chest. Doctor advised me to take rest at least four days more. I am therefore not able to attend at the class till 19 July. If I feel better then I can attend at the class 20th July.
Using final sentence
What is final sentence?
Final sentence called conclusion of report.
Go to the page … and choose a final sentence.

Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.

Add above italic final sentence end of report F
With due respect and honour that I was absent in the class on 15th July 2004 because I was seriously ill. I went to the hospital. The doctor gave me strong injection on my chest. Doctor advised me to take rest at least four days more. I am therefore not able to attend at the class till 19 July. If I feel better then I can attend at the class 20th July.
Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.

This is the completed letter/report. F
But there is no paragraph in the report, that’s why the report is look terrible and reader will feel boring to read.

With due respect and honour that I was absent in the class on 15th July 2004 because I was seriously ill. I went to the hospital. The doctor gave me strong injection on my chest. Doctor advised me to take rest at least four days more. I am therefore not able to attend at the class till 19 July. If I feel better then I can attend at the class 20th July. Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.
Use paragraph
Copy whole report and use paragraph

Remember: before making paragraph think where should you make paragraph? Because paragraph should be related from previous to next one.

With due respect and honour that I was absent in the class on 15th July 2004 because I was seriously ill. I went to the hospital. The doctor gave me strong injection on my chest. Doctor advised me to take rest at least four days more.

I am therefore not able to attend at the class till 19 July. If I feel better then I can attend at the class 20th Luly.

Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.

Your report is completed but there is no mentioned your address, receiver’s address, date, ref number, salutation, your signature and your name
Lets use your address, receiver’s address, date, ref number, salutation, your signature and your name: H

Remember: you must put one gap each section
one gap F

two gaps F

one gap F
two gaps F
two gaps F

one gaps F

one gap F

two gaps F

two gaps F
 one gap F

Begum Rokeya College
Kamal Kachna

Rosa Villa
22 Central Road

10th May 2008

Ref No: Absent

Dear Sir / Madam

With due respect and honour that I was absent in the class on 15th July 2004 because I was seriously ill. I went to the hospital. The doctor gave me strong injection on my chest. Doctor advised me to take rest at least four days more.

I am therefore not able to attend at the class till 19 July. If I feel better then I can attend at the class 20th Luly.

Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.

Yours sincerely



Now copy the letter and it looks like letter-2
Begum Rokeya  
21 Kamal Kachna

The Headmaster
Mothijheel government Boys school
Dhaka 1000

10th May 2008

Ref No: Absent

Dear Sir / Madam

With due respect and honour that I was absent in the class on 15th July 2004 because I was seriously ill. I went to the hospital. The doctor gave me strong injection on my chest. Doctor advised me to take rest at least four days more.

I am therefore not able to attend at the class till 19 July. If I feel better then I can attend at the class 20th July.

Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.

Yours sincerely

That is the final letter.

Writing plan 4 >Example 4
4. The Headmaster writes a letter to the students to pay fees.
You have to add extra text front and end of key sentence. H
Use key sentence and add extra text to complete your letter. That is the key sentence F

All students must pay fees.

Use extra text

before 15 days of exam E (this is called extra text)
add extra text end of sentence in the right column F
All students must pay fees + before 15 days of exam

Use extra text

 ‘be alert’
add extra text end of sentence in the right column F
All students must be alert pay fees before 15 days of exam
Use extra text
This is your responsibility
add extra text end of sentence in the right column F
All students must be alert pay fees before 15 days of exam. This is your responsibility

Use extra text
If anyone unable to pay fees on the said dateline
she/he can’t attend at the exam
add extra text end of sentence in the right column F
All students must be alert pay fees before 15 days of exam. This is your responsibility. If anyone unable to pay fees on the said dateline
she/he can’t attend at the exam
Use conjunction

add extra text end of the sentence F
All students must be alert pay fees before 15 days of exam. This is your responsibility. If anyone unable to pay fees on the said dateline she/he can’t attend at the exam because +
Use extra text

school governing body don’t allow unpaid candidate

add extra text end of the sentence F
All students must be alert pay fees before 15 days of exam. This is your responsibility. If anyone unable to pay fees on the said dateline she/he can’t attend at the exam because school governing body don’t allow unpaid candidate
Use extra text

Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.

add extra text end of the sentence F
Please be informed that all students must be alert pay fees before 15 days of exam. This is your responsibility. If anyone unable to pay fees on the said dateline she/he can’t attend at the exam because school governing body don’t allow unpaid candidate. Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.
Use phrase
Go to the page … and choose a phrase
Please be inform  that…

Add above italic phrase add at the beginning of report    G
Please be informed that all students must be alert pay fees before 15 days of exam. This is your responsibility. If anyone unable to pay fees on the said dateline she/he can’t attend at the exam because school governing body don’t allow unpaid candidate.

Using final sentence
Go to the page … and choose a final sentence.

If you have any queries and assistance please do not hesitate to contact with us.

add final sentence end of report F
Please be informed that all students must be alert pay fees before 15 days of exam. This is your responsibility. If anyone unable to pay fees on the said dateline she/he can’t attend at the exam because school governing body don’t allow unpaid candidate. Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.
If you have any query and assistance please do not hesitate to contact with us.

This is the completed letter/report. F
But there is no paragraph in the report, that’s why the report is look terrible and reader will feel boring to read.
Please be informed that all students must be alert pay fees before 15 days of exam. This is your responsibility. If anyone unable to pay fees on the said dateline she/he can’t attend at the exam because school governing body don’t allow unpaid candidate. Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.
If you have any query and assistance please do not hesitate to contact with us.
Use paragraph
Copy whole report and use paragraph

Remember: before making paragraph think where should you make paragraph? Because paragraph should be related from previous to next one.

Please be informed that all students must be alert pay fees before 15 days of exam. This is your responsibility. If anyone unable to pay fees on the said dateline she/he can’t attend at the exam because school governing body don’t allow unpaid candidate.

Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.

 If you have any query and assistance please do not hesitate to contact with us.

Lets go and use, address, date, ref number, salutation, your signature and your name

one gap F

two gap F

one gap F

two gap F

one gap F

one gap F

one gap F

one gap F

two gap F

Habibur Rahman
22 Station Road

Gangachara High School

11th June 2008

Ref:  Paying fee

All student

Please be informed that all students must be alert pay fees before 15 days of exam. This is your responsibility. If anyone unable to pay fees on the said dateline she/he can’t attend at the exam because school governing body don’t allow unpaid candidate.

Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.

 If you have any query and assistance please do not hesitate to contact with us.

Best Regards

M. A. Malek

Now copy the letter and it looks like below:

 Habibur Rahman
22 Station Road

Gangachara High School

11th June 2008

Ref:  Paying fee

All student 

Please be informed that all students must be alert to pay fees before 15 days of exam. This is your responsibility. If anyone unable to pay fees on the said dateline she/he can’t attend at the exam because school governing body don’t allow unpaid candidate.

Your cooperation and help will be highly appreciated regarding this subject.

 If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards

M. A. Malek</

Consideration: Can you consider, it is as a good letter and send to the principal?
Yes, obviously.
Because the letter is very clear, to the point, polite, concise and easy to understand.